Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary prepares Christian ministers, leaders and lay workers for churches and Christian organisations by supporting their spiritual formation and offering theological higher education and continuing professional training that takes into consideration the needs of church and society.

The Seminary Board of Trustees, faculty, and students are a community which stands within the tradition of Christian orthodoxy. We aspire to order our communal and personal life according to the truth revealed in Scripture and imparted by the Holy Spirit which guides and forms us along the way towards holiness. We commit ourselves to academic teaching and learning that results in knowledge and wisdom leading to joyful godliness and revealing the fruit of the Spirit in our attitudes, words and deeds concerning God, people and all creation.  

In obedience to the Word of God we hold in deep respect all of God’s creation, the sanctity of human life and sexuality, the equality of all people, Christian marriage and family as inalienable values originating in the nature of God and in the same obedience we strive to exercise good stewardship of the natural environment. As a people liberated by Christ we use our freedom responsibly in all things concerning our body, spirit, gifts, possessions, finances and time. Valuing our bodies as the temples of the Spirit of God and knowing that our dignity is derived from being created in the image of God, we practice a healthy lifestyle keeping in balance work and rest, avoid unlawful activities and seek moderation in all that we consume. Together we pursue deeper understanding of Scripture and of the work of the Holy Spirit by studying the Bible, using the means of grace and participating in communal worship.

We acknowledge the rich and diverse ways of proclaiming the Gospel and the variousness of Christian denominations and avoid everything that causes the fragmentation of Christianity.

We practice Christian hospitality that is grounded in God’s love and is expressed in mutual respect and trust. In all this we keep in mind our covenant relationship with each other as the members of God’s large family, supporting and helping each other and speaking the truth in love.

Confirmed by the Academic Committee on December 2, 2011

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