Erasmus+ is a higher education mobility project, allowing higher education institutions to send their students for exchange studies and traineeships, and staff to teach or train in other countries.

The Erasmus programme aims to:

To provide all students with a study abroad experience to develop their personal and professional skills.
To support the professional development of all staff of higher education institutions through teaching or training abroad.
Increase the internationalisation, competitiveness and global cooperation opportunities of higher education institutions.

Erasmus+ grants can be applied for by:

Mobility of staff

5 days to 2 months for teaching purposes, additional travel days
5 days to 2 months for training purposes, additional travel days
For student mobility

3 – 12 months to study
for traineeships 2 – 12 months

Students – Study and traineeship

An Estonian higher education institution can cooperate with Erasmus+ partner countries in the framework of global mobility.

The programme is based on the Erasmus+ Charter. The Charter can be found here >>

You can only study at recognised higher education institutions in countries that have the Erasmus+ Charter.

The student's home institution must have an Erasmus+ partner agreement with the school or organisation to which the student wishes to go.

Participation in the programme

Under the Erasmus programme, students who are citizens of Estonia or of another country participating in the programme and who have been enrolled in formal education at an Estonian higher education institution (independent of citizenship and residence permit) and who have completed the first year of their higher education studies (i.e. within the framework of the programme, they have the right to study at a higher education institution from the second year of study of the first level of higher education) have the right to study in foreign higher education institutions.

Lecturers – Erasmus to teach or train

Within the framework of the Erasmus programme, lecturers from Estonian higher education institutions who have joined the programme can teach in Erasmus+ countries. Staff from higher education institutions will be able to take part in training courses, and it will also be possible to invite higher education institutions to train specialists from their partner organisations from other parts of Europe.

For what costs can I apply for a grant?

The participant will be allocated a one-time travel allowance and an individual living allowance.

All grants are of a fixed amount and do not require proof on the basis of real costs.

One-time travel allowance for a student:

Travel support

The participant will be allocated a one-time travel grant for a round trip.

The amount of travel allowance is calculated on the basis of the distance of the trip (one-way distance).

Where can I get advice and help if I am interested in mobility?

Every Estonian higher education institution with the right to participate has an Erasmus programme coordinator, and in larger universities there are also contact persons in faculties or departments. The coordinator is best able to help in choosing a foreign institution of higher education as well as in terms of applications, selection procedures, deadlines and practical issues.

Further information
telelephone 66 88 467
Kaire Lotamõis
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